
YouCompleteMe — No semantic completer exists for filetypes: ['elixir']

gj opened this issue · 4 comments

gj commented
  1. Elixir/OTP/Python version

    • Elixir: 1.6.1
    • OTP: 20
    • Python: 3.6.4
  2. Which pluging are you using:

    • basic omnifunc
    • YouCompleteMe
    • deoplete
  3. Which steps of Debugging passed?

    • Elixir Module definition
    • Elixir Function definition
    • Elixir Module/Function docs
    • Your Project Module definition
    • Your Project Function definition
  4. Do you have a specific setup? Like Docker and etc

    • Vim and Elixir installed via Homebrew. YCM and Alchemist.vim installed via vim-plug.

Both Lookup Project's Library commands from the Debugging page return non_existing:0, and in the YouCompleteMe server stderr logs I see a ton of ERROR - No semantic completer exists for filetypes: ['elixir']. YCM seems to work fine for other languages.

@gj sorry for late response.

Do you have your dotfile somewhere I can try it locally?

gj commented

@slashmili no problem at all! Appreciate all of your hard work on this OSS. Here are my dotfiles:

@gj did you try mix compile before running the debugging command? It's written in small note in Debug page

~/d/boo $ ~/.vim/plugged/alchemist.vim/elixir_sense_client -d./ -c1 -l2 --request=definition < sample.exs
~/d/boo $ mix compile
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated boo app
~/d/boo $ ~/.vim/plugged/alchemist.vim/elixir_sense_client -d./ -c1 -l2 --request=definition < sample.exs
gj commented

Can't reproduce anymore. Thanks!