
Not :ExDoc nor `K` while over keyword works

Closed this issue · 9 comments

  1. Elixir/OTP/Python version

Elixir: 1.7.1

OTP: 21

Python: 3.6.6

  1. Are you using VIM or Neovim? Please provide the version.

Neovim 0.3.1

  1. Which pluging are you using:

[ ] basic omnifunc
[ ] YouCompleteMe
[x] deoplete

  1. Which steps of Debugging passed?

[ ] Elixir Module definition

When trying to go to definition of defmodule I get the following errror:

alchemist.vim: failed with message error:protocol Enumerable not implemented for nil                                                                                          

[ ] Elixir Function definition
[ ] Elixir Module/Function docs
[x] Your Project Module definition
[x] Your Project Function definition

@FredrikAugust I'll update my OTP and check it out

@FredrikAugust please update the plugin and give it a try again

It works now @slashmili, but when trying to get documentation for something under the cursor that doesn't exist it shows Alchemist: No matches for ''!, think that's a bug.

Great work though :))

And when I try to get documentation for a module I created it only shows the first line of the moduledoc. But I suppose that may be another issue.

hmm strange, works for 😬

Can you run the debug and paste the documentation output for me?

To execute it, create an empty file sample.exs, put the your modules in the first line and execute this

~/.vim/bundle/alchemist.vim/elixir_sense_client -d./ -c2 -l1 --request=docs < sample.exs
No documentation available%

hmmm, did you compile the project before looking for docs? And not sure what is % at the end of output 🤔

Please update the plugin and try again. I close this issue for now