
K shows `Alchemist: No matches for ''!` instead of documentation

egidijusz opened this issue · 3 comments

doing "K" over any module/function shows "Alchemist: No matches for ''!".
This started happening some time ago (maybe ~2 weeks).

Doing elixir_sense_client -d./ -c6 -l3 --request=docs < sample.exs shows "No documentation available".
I've tried this command to get documentation of functions that are in the same project (in case alchemist can't find erlang/elixir source files) - same output.

All other functionalities of plugin work fine (autocomplete, jumping to source files and etc.).

  1. Elixir/OTP/Python version

Elixir: 1.7.2

OTP: 21.0.5

Python: 3.7

  1. Are you using VIM or Neovim? Neovim, version 0.3.1

  2. Which pluging are you using:

[ ] basic omnifunc
[ ] YouCompleteMe
[x] deoplete

  1. Which steps of Debugging passed?

[x] Elixir Module definition
[x] Elixir Function definition
[ ] Elixir Module/Function docs
[x] Your Project Module definition
[x] Your Project Function definition

  1. Do you have a specific setup? Like Docker and etc

Hey @egidijusz

I'm in process of updating elixir_sense which solves the problem you have mentioned. I'm hoping that it will be ready by the end of this week

@egidijusz please update the plugin and give it a try again


Thank you for your work and this great plugin, you're awesome!