
Problems installing with vim-plug for VimR (Neovim) on macOS?

kenny-evitt opened this issue · 1 comments

[Sorry for the extraneous ping. I just wanted to document my experience here in case it's helpful to anyone else (including future me).]

I followed the instructions on the wiki debugging page and all of the test commands worked as expected.


  1. Elixir/OTP/Python version

Elixir: 1.8.0

OTP: 21.2.3

Python: python --version reports Python 2.7.16

  1. Are you using VIM or Neovim? Please provide the version.

I'm using VimR 0.20.3 (255) which uses Neovim. The output of the :version command:

NVIM v0.2.2
Build type: Release
Lua 5.1
Compilation: /Applications/ -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -Wconversion -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -DNVIM_MSGPACK_HAS_FLOAT32 -O2 -DNDEBUG -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=3 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wvla -fstack-protector-strong -fdiagnostics-color=auto -DINCLUDE_GENERATED_DECLARATIONS -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/build/config -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/src -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/.deps/usr/include -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/third-party/libintl/include -I/usr/include -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/build/src/nvim/auto -I/Users/hat/.jenkins/workspace/vimr_build/NvimView/neovim/build/include
Compiled by

Features: +acl +iconv +jemalloc -tui 
See ":help feature-compile"

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
     fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/local/share/nvim"

     Run :checkhealth for more info
  1. Which pluging are you using:

[ ] basic omnifunc
[ ] YouCompleteMe
[ ] deoplete

  1. Which steps of Debugging passed?

[x] Elixir Module definition
[x] Elixir Function definition
[x] Elixir Module/Function docs
[x] Your Project Module definition
[x] Your Project Function definition

  1. Do you have a specific setup? Like Docker and etc

I don't think so.



In one of my project's files, with the cursor at the beginning of a (multi-part) module name MyApp.Event.ContractHandler, using the short key, I see:

man.vim: command error (18) man -w MyApp: No manual entry for MyApp

If I visually select the entire module name and use the same short key I see:

-- VISUAL --man.vim: command error (24) man -w MyApp.Event.ContractHandler: No manual entry for MyApp.Event.ContractHandler

If I run the command :ExDoc MyApp.Event.ContractHandler I see:

Alchemist: No matches for 'MyApp.Event.ContractHandler'!

That seems correct; the relevant module doesn't have a documentation attribute. If I run the same command for a module with such an attribute I see:

"[ExDoc]" [New File]
Error detected while processing /Users/kenny/.local/share/nvim/plugged/alchemist.vim/syntax/exdoc.vim:
line    1:
E484: Can't open file syntax/elixir.vim

... and the documentation is opened in a new window.


Similarly, the short key also doesn't seem to work. With an entire (multi-part) module name selected, I see:

-- VISUAL --
E433: No tags file
E426: tag not found: MyApp.Event.ContractHandler

If I run the command :ExDef MyApp.Event.ContractHandler, the relevant file is opened in the current window.


I think I had problems running the commands directly – something about a socket not being open or available – but maybe that was just the first time.

I imagine that the short keys not working is due to something with my setup and I will assume it's incumbent on me to determine if that's not the case.

The short key bindings were fine. I was using the wrong ones! I neglected to hold Shift for both.