
Autocomplete not works on Windows

viastakhov opened this issue · 3 comments

Autocomplete not works on Windows, but there is no problem when I use same .vimrc file on Debian 10.

  1. Elixir/OTP/Python version
    Elixir: Elixir 1.10.2
    OTP: Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.3] [64-bit]
    Python: Python 3.8.2

  2. VIM: vim for Windows, ver: 8.2.0628

  3. Which pluging are you using:
    [X] basic omnifunc
    [ ] YouCompleteMe
    [ ] deoplete

  4. Which steps of Debugging passed?
    Debuggins steps was skipped due to steps are not adapted for Windows.

  5. Do you have a specific setup? Like Docker and etc

Hi @viastakhov,

I'd assume there is something wrong with the directories or the executing path(e.g).

I don't have any Windows to debug it :(. I'll keep this issue open in case someone would like to work on this project and make it work in Windows

There are several problems:

  • Directories/path are not correct for Windows;
  • There is unix socks being used rather than tcpip for communicating with Elixir Sense server.
    On my Windows machine unix socks not work.
    I tried to fix these issues but no success - autocompletion worked but erl.exe (Elixir Sense) process comsumed a lot of memory with memory leakage~ + 10 MB/sec even if I close vim application.

From my point of view there is huge redesign needed for Windows platform support, so I have decided to start my own plugin development from scratch. to support Windows platform

Directories/path are not correct for Windows;

That's an easy fix!

There is unix socks being used rather than tcpip for communicating with Elixir Sense server.

Elixir Sense does support tcpip and supporting it would be simple but time consuming

even if I close vim application.

The background process stops after 600 seconds

From my point of view there is huge redesign needed for Windows platform support, so I have decided to start my own plugin development from scratch. to support Windows platform


BTW I'd also recommend to take a look at Setting up vim-lsp module is an alternative approach.