
Check that ACLs are Enabled

eamallory72 opened this issue · 2 comments

I extended your script to check if a particular ACL is enabled. Specifically the Deny_All acl. When we update the firmware in our ADC cluster the Deny_All gets automatically removed and the admin sometimes forgets to replace it.
The code below starts on line 366
just below the elsif ($plugin->opts->objecttype eq 'server') stanza.

} elsif ($plugin->opts->objecttype eq 'nsacl') {
$params{'endpoint'} = $plugin->opts->endpoint || 'config';
$field_name = 'aclname';
$field_state = 'state';
$enable_perfdata = 0;

We're using version Version: v1.4.0 (2017-08-20)
We should probably upgrade. :)
Hope you find this useful.
Erik Mallory

In the current version this edit should occur on line 439 should you choose to include it.

Hey @eamallory72,

thanks for your message, but isn't this already be possible with the existing checks? Maybe with matches/matches_not? Or do i get something wrong?

Also it sounds like that your use case is very specific. I don't know if it makes sense to implement this for everyone.