
Fork of python-nmap

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Homepage: http://xael.org/norman/python/python-nmap/

  • Original version: Alexandre Norman (norman@xael.org)
  • Forked: Sean Leach (github.com/sleach) - moved to github, cleaned-up and new functionality added. See git log

python-nmap is a python library which helps in using nmap port scanner. It allows to easilly manipulate nmap scan results and will be a perfect tool for systems administrators who want to automatize scanning task and reports. It also supports nmap script outputs.

Typical usage looks like::

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import nmap                         # import nmap.py module
    nm = nmap.PortScanner()         # instantiate nmap.PortScanner object
    nm.scan('', '22-443')      # scan host, ports from 22 to 443
    nm.command_line()                   # get command line used for the scan : nmap -oX - -p 22-443
    nm.scaninfo()                       # get nmap scan informations {'tcp': {'services': '22-443', 'method': 'connect'}}
    nm.all_hosts()                      # get all hosts that were scanned
    nm[''].hostname()          # get hostname for host
    nm[''].state()             # get state of host (up|down|unknown|skipped) 
    nm[''].all_protocols()     # get all scanned protocols ['tcp', 'udp'] in (ip|tcp|udp|sctp)
    nm['']['tcp'].keys()       # get all ports for tcp protocol
    nm[''].all_tcp()           # get all ports for tcp protocol (sorted version)
    nm[''].all_udp()           # get all ports for udp protocol (sorted version)
    nm[''].all_ip()            # get all ports for ip protocol (sorted version)
    nm[''].all_sctp()          # get all ports for sctp protocol (sorted version)
    nm[''].has_tcp(22)         # is there any information for port 22/tcp on host
    nm['']['tcp'][22]          # get infos about port 22 in tcp on host
    nm[''].tcp(22)             # get infos about port 22 in tcp on host
    nm['']['tcp'][22]['state'] # get state of port 22/tcp on host (open

A more usefull example :

    for host in nm.all_hosts():
        print('Host : %s (%s)' % (host, nm[host].hostname()))
        print('State : %s' % nm[host].state())

        for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
            print('Protocol : %s' % proto)

            lport = nm[host][proto].keys()
            for port in lport:
                print('port : %s\tstate : %s' % (port, nm[host][proto][port]['state']))

    # If you want to do a pingsweep on network
    nm.scan(hosts='', arguments='-n -sP -PE -PA21,23,80,3389')
    hosts_list = [(x, nm[x]['status']['state']) for x in nm.all_hosts()]
    for host, status in hosts_list:
        print('{0}:{1}'.format(host, status))

   print '----------------------------------------------------'
   # Asynchronous usage of PortScannerAsync
   nma = nmap.PortScannerAsync()
   def callback_result(host, scan_result):
       print '------------------'
       print host, scan_result
   nma.scan(hosts='', arguments='-sP', callback=callback_result)
   while nma.still_scanning():
       print("Waiting ...")
       nma.wait(2)   # you can do whatever you want but I choose to wait after the end of the scan