
inventory file

Opened this issue · 2 comments

First of all, thank you for this great resource.
I world like to have an example of inventory file to get zookeeper working fine.
I installed zookeeper with a file I did myself. All worked fine , however all nodes are in standalone mode.
thanks in advance

Hi. Glad to hear it's helping you.

Are you able to provide me with what your inventory file looks like? You may be experiencing a similar problem to #26 whereby if the zookeeper_id isn't provided for each node then it won't configure the cluster correctly.

One example of an inventory file, in ini format, is below:

zoo1 ansible_host=
zoo2 ansible_host=
zoo3 ansible_host=

zoo1 zookeeper_id=1
zoo2 zookeeper_id=2
zoo3 zookeeper_id=3

I have seen other examples, e.g. and, where people have used the loop index of the hosts to specify the zookeeper id (there are more simple examples out there as well). Those examples remove the need for specifying zookeeper_id in the inventory, but this could lead to different ids being used and the myid changing on servers if updated if you add or remove hosts...this may be an edge-case and/or not applicable to you.

Presumably you have a slightly simplistic case and aren't needing dynamic inventory based on AWS EC2 tags for example?

Let me know what your inventory file, /var/lib/zookeeper/myid, and /etc/zookeeper/zoo.cfg files look like and I'll see if I can offer any further advice.

I've had the same issue as @cloudman1978
Inventory contains something like:

          provider: aws

and I managed to fix it via a pre_tasks w/ something like:

- name: Install ZK machines for devel
  become: true
  hosts: zk_cluster_devel
    - name: Set ZK id
        zookeeper_id: "{{ inventory_hostname | replace('', '') | replace('zk-cluster-0', '') }}"
    - sleighzy.zookeeper