
fakeusb working on the wrong way

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When I move to package installer only pkgs on my usb stick are shown but not the pkg on the fakeusb directory.
I use ps4 explorer to take a look and I found that files from fakeusb directory shows on usb1 folder in mnt and my usb drive files still on usb0. I restarted my ps4 and run the payload again and again but the files only move from fakeusb to usb1 how can I solve that ?
Note* (My ps4 slim have only 1 working usb port)

You first insert the stick, then you run the payload. This way it works. The other way round it doesn't.

Anyway, this is a hack. Try using this instead.

Yes I did but the same problem the files show on usb1 only, the usb0 contains my real usb files, also I have one new file (usb1_real) .
My usb is formatted as exfat and its working fine can you help me to get this work I really need it!