
[Polish] `--dynamic` set, but warning still shows.

sdfg2 opened this issue · 1 comments

sdfg2 commented

Not so much a full feature request, or bug. More a polish thing.

sdfg@heracles ~/scratch2/jade/1992 - Breathing the Storm $ ffmpeg-normalize *.flac -f -vn -c:a libopus -b:a 75k -ar 48000 -lrt 20 -ext opus -e="-vbr on -compression_level 10" --dynamic
WARNING: Input file had loudness range of 20.7, which is larger than the loudness range target (20.0). Normalization will revert to dynamic mode. Choose a higher target loudness range if you want linear normalization. Alternatively, use the --keep-loudness-range-target option to keep the target loudness range from the input.

Just like with #184, it's probably better to hide the warning if it's already been specifically dealt with (--dynamic).

slhck commented

Good suggestion, fixed now.