
Biml Debugging

A quick example of how to employ BIML debugging.

For Your Own Use

  1. Grab the Biml directory and place it into your project
  2. Configure the Config.cs file accordingly
  3. Change 1.Environment.biml to point at your landing folder for the flat files
  4. Include this line in your BIML files: <#@ include file="Path\To\Debug.csbiml"#>
  5. Wrap your BIML files, inside the tags, with the following:
 <# try { #>
 <# } catch (Exception ex) { 
        Debug.BimlDump(this.GenerationEnvironment.ToString(), Host.TemplateFile); 
      } #>
  1. Select the files in the following in order to compile (4, 3, 2, 1) then right click and Generate SSIS Packages