Disparity/Depth Video Coming In Very Slow (S1030)
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The disparity or depth image is only coming in at about 0.5 - 1 Hz. I am using the SDK on Windows. I have tried many of the examples built in visual studio and they are essentially all giving me the same result. Here is what I am wondering:
Why is the frame rate for the depth said to be up to 60 Hz, when the out of the box example barely gives 1 Hz? Is there something I need to do to increase this?
Is there GPU support enabled for Windows. I have an NVIDIA GPU and a CUDA compiler, but I don't understand how the plugin works in Windows. The example in the documentation only used Linux as an example.
If the calculation is truly taking this long, is there a way for me to experiment with decreasing the image size and running it directly through the algorithm myself, or are there any tweaks I can make to the parameters to make the disparity and/or depth image come in faster?