
orderby title for wpt_productions shortcode?

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Is there a way to sort/order productions list generated with the wpt_productions shortcode by title(in alphabetical order)?
We have over 500 productions and want to make a page where the productions are paginatedby letter(0-9,A, B, C, D,…)
We have tagged every production with a tag with the corresponding letter(first letter in the title) and it shows all productions of a chosen letter but theyre in an order in which they were created and i only found "order {asc or desc} Show productions in ascending or descending order. Default ." shortcode.

So what im asking is, Am i missing something that does this already or is there a way to add something like "orderby {title}" code or some other solution to this? thanks.


The [wpt_production] shortcode will always sort your productions by date.

The easiest way to come up with an alphabetically ordered list is to create your own list using WP_Query, since productions are just a custom post type (wp_theatre_prod).

thanks for a quick reply. I read a bit about WP_Query and it seems to be beyond my humble wp coding/code editing capabilities but I guess this shouldn't be that hard for an actually skilled person. Since we're not in a hurry I'll slowly try to find someone to help me with this. Thanks for clearing that up though.

Cool. You can also contact me at if you would like me to do it.