
Pass other command-line openvpn args possible?

Denio888 opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it possible to pass other command-line openvpn args with the namespaced-openvpn script?
I see namespaced-openvpn takes these argument --config.

Is it possible to pass other openvpn arguments from the client.ovpn file directly to namespaced-openvpn?
Like this: namespaced-openvpn --config vpn.ovpn --(other openvpn argument like –proto udp)
So i don`t have to edit each .ovpn file and change these values.

Yep! You can pass arbitrary openvpn args on the command line, nost just --config. (--route-up has some edge cases; see the "TODO" section of the readme.)