Flink StateFun 2.0 + Knative example

This example demonstrates how to deploy a stateful function application written in Python to Knative.

Example took from: https://github.com/apache/flink-statefun/tree/master/statefun-examples/statefun-python-k8s-example


This examples create a stateful function application, that consumes LoginEvents from a logins Kafka topic, and produces seen count per user, into the seen Kafka topic.

The main example components contains:

  • main.py - A StateFun python function that implements the main logic
  • module.yaml - defines the ingress, egress and the remote function specification.
  • k8s - a list of yamls to apply to deploy flink and the function to a k8s cluster.
  • build.sh - Builds StateFun Docker images.


Install a minikube installation

Use the scripts in https://github.com/matzew/kn-box to start minikube, install Knative Serving and Strimzi

Build project

Use build.sh to build the images


  • kubectl apply -f k8s/1-kafka-topics.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f k8s/2-python-fn.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f k8s/3-engine.yaml

Generate events


kubectl run kafka-producer -ti --image=docker.io/slinkydeveloper/flink-statefun-python-message-sender --rm=true --restart=Never -- python3 event-generator.py --address my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9092 --events 1000

This would generate 1,000 login events into the logins topic

Check the output

You can look at the pushed messages with:

kubectl run kafka-consumer-in -ti --image=strimzi/kafka:latest-kafka-2.3.1  --rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9092 --topic logins --from-beginning

You can look at the processed messages:

kubectl run kafka-consumer -ti --image=docker.io/slinkydeveloper/flink-statefun-python-message-receiver --rm=true --restart=Never -- python3 event-consumer.py --address my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9092