
expected remote repo roles to use Gitlab when defining Gitlab URIs in configuration

jensfriisnielsen opened this issue · 1 comments

For instance if the following is in

issues_uri = "{issue}"
issues_pr_uri = "{pr}"
issues_commit_uri = "{commit}"

Then writing .rst:


Points to Github at

I expected it to point to Gitlab.

It should be mentioned that gitlab instances can be also locally distributed.
The role should handle this also correctly:


To be most flexible would be to be able to define the urls in the followin scheme:

issues_uri = "{group=graphviz}/{project=graphviz}/issues/{issue}"
issues_pr_uri = "{group=graphviz}/{project=graphviz}/merge_requests/{pr}"
issues_commit_uri = "{group=graphviz}/{project=graphviz}/commit/{commit}"

This way it would be very flexible to be used even with other issue systems.