Runtime Error
StrivedTye opened this issue · 5 comments
Hi, thanks for your interest. My suggestion is replacing pointnet2_utils with pytorch3d😀. Compared with pointnet-ops, pytorch3d has wide and long-term support. For inplace modification problem, I think these blogs 1 2 are helpful. Could you please provide more info to indicate which line the error is raised?
Hi, thanks for your interest. My suggestion is replacing pointnet2_utils with pytorch3d😀. Compared with pointnet-ops, pytorch3d has wide and long-term support. For inplace modification problem, I think these blogs 1 2 are helpful. Could you please provide more info to indicate which line the error is raised?
I modified the code in the
, and only made changes in the function of get_graph_feature
. The ERROR only encountered in the training phase, and the testing can run correctly after loading your pre-trained weights.
The modified codes are as follows:
def get_graph_feature(self, new_xyz, new_feat, xyz, feat, k, use_xyz=False):
bs = xyz.size(0)
device = torch.device('cuda')
feat = feat.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() if feat is not None else None
new_feat = new_feat.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous() if new_feat is not None else None
if use_xyz:
feat =[feat, xyz], dim=-1) if feat is not None else xyz
new_feat =[new_feat, new_xyz], dim=-1) if new_feat is not None else new_xyz # b, n, c
# Authors with pytorch3d
# _, knn_idx, _ = pytorch3d.ops.knn_points(new_xyz, xyz, K=k, return_nn=True)
# knn_feat = pytorch3d.ops.knn_gather(feat, knn_idx) # b,n1,k,c
# feat_tiled = new_feat.unsqueeze(-2).repeat(1, 1, k, 1)
# edge_feat =[knn_feat-feat_tiled, feat_tiled], dim=-1)
# return edge_feat.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
# tye with pointnet2_ops
knn_idx = pointnet2_utils.knn_point(k, new_xyz, xyz) # (B, npoint, k)
knn_feat = pointnet2_utils.grouping_operation(feat.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous(), knn_idx) #[b, c, n1, k]
feat_tiled = new_feat.unsqueeze(-2).repeat(1, 1, k, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
edge_feat =[knn_feat-feat_tiled, feat_tiled], dim=1)
return edge_feat
I think the pointnet2_ops
has no impact on the training phase, because this error still occurred when I use the backbone of pointNet++ instead of DGCNN.
In addition, I found the in-place operation in the Line 107 of the
, I am not sure whether this line results in the Runtime Error. The following refined_bboxes[:, :, :4]
seems it is using the in-place operation.
Thanks!! Look forward to the further communication.
loss_refined = loss_func(refined_bboxes[:, :, :4], search_bbox_gt[:, None, :4].expand_as(
refined_bboxes[:, :, :4]), reduction='none')
you should modify the dropout(inplace=True) to dropout(inplace=False) in transformer layer
@AlexWang1900 Thank you very much!!