
No display for TIFF images in DEFAULT file group

Opened this issue · 2 comments

A METS file of SHLB does not work correctly with the DFG Viewer. While thumbnail images are shown, the normal page images aren't visible.

Extract from METS file:

<mets:fileGrp USE="DEFAULT">
<mets:file ID="uuid-d98e9b5c-f283-4521-bcb3-3a17a8aeb4a2" MIMETYPE="image/tiff">
<mets:FLocat xlink:href="" LOCTYPE="URL"/>

So while typically other METS files use JPEG images (or an image server which delivers JPEG), SHLB has TIFF images in the DEFAULT file group. It also uses PNG images in other file groups.

More examples are on

the normal page images aren't visible.

With the newest versions of presentation and DFG-Viewer at least this part is resolved. Now images from the MAX group are loaded.