
URL isn't showing up in "unseen" key

kylrth opened this issue · 2 comments

With the following source:

url = "||*[class=content]||p/"
type = "feed"
filters = ["unseen", "lasthours", "links", "includelink", "combine(3)"]

I get the following logs:

Executing pipe named: apnews
Fetching source: apnews of type feed
Retrieved 10 feeds for source apnews
Executing unseen filter with args: []
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
already seen entry with key: apnews/
After unseen: 0 feeds
After unseen: []
Executing lasthours filter with args: []
After lasthours: 0 feeds
After lasthours: []
Executing links filter with args: []
After links: 0 feeds
After links: []
Executing includelink filter with args: []
After includelink: 0 feeds
After includelink: []
Executing combine filter with args: [3]
After combine(3): 0 feeds
After combine(3): []
&{apnews Top News: US & International Top News Stories Today | AP News []}

running with v0.10.2 in Docker. Somehow the URLs for the items are not showing up in the keys for the "unseen" filter, so all items have the same key.

Nice catch. This is due to the fact to morss (I didn't know about this tool, seems a great companion to goeland!) doesn't generate UID for feed item. So from goeland point of view, all items have the same (empty = "") UID.

That's why the unseen filter doesn't work. I will update the filter so that there is a fallback in case of empty UID (in general, they are not empty on "proper" RSS feeds).

Try 0.10.3