
SH110x OLED support

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I have an SH1106G OLED, which is incompatible with the SSD1306 library. I can't seem to find any include lines to modify

Mine is connected via I2C. Anyway, would I be able to use U8X2? (I'm using an Arduino UNO so RAM is a small issue)
Also, with my 16x2 LCD, I can't get a PS/2 keyboard to work, I'm using an IBM SK-8840 and have verified that it works on a computer.

I don't have a spare PS/2 socket but I do have copious amounts of these,
however I can't get anything to happen. I did enable ARDUINOPS2 and STANDALONE, anything else I did wrong/should be?

Alright, I'll try again. My 16x2 LCD is I2C btw, but I have a parallel one as well.

Seems to be closed. No further feedback.