
JSTimeMap doesn't support collection of images in a tiles

Opened this issue · 2 comments


While trying to use the library (based on Ray Wenderlich's iOS Game Dev Guide, but downloaded the latest version) I created a map with 1 tile-set that has 2 images in it. Since I didn't want to work with TilePacker I didn't use an atlas image. Tiled support the creation of such maps. (I can send the map if required)

The problem with JSTileMap is in TMXTilesetInfo class, where the atlasTexture property holds a single texture. Obviously this class wasn't designed to work with several images.

I did a small hack to work with multiple images, just so that I can move forward with my project. I wouldn't recommend this change.

I would appreciate having a true support for these kind of maps.

Many thanks!

Hi Shay,

can you get me an example map? I've not used a map with multiple images that are not different atlas images. To be clear, multiple atlas images are supported, but you probably already knew that.

Hi Jeremy,

I attached the example map and images. I didn’t use the compress format since I wanted to debug and see what was going wrong… 

Thanks for looking into this.


P.S. I also attached my fixes. Obviously they are just a patch and probably break some other mode. They are mostly marked with //shay

On 18 July 2015 at 7:25:18 PM, Jeremy Stone ( wrote:

Hi Shay,

can you get me an example map? I've not used a map with multiple images that are not different atlas images. To be clear, multiple atlas images are supported, but you probably already knew that.

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