
High CPU usage and "closing websocket connection"

Closed this issue · 20 comments

Hi there.

Since a few days now, whenever I have bitlbee-discord running for a few hours, I get these errors and it's unable to recover; I have to quit weechat.

Also CPU usage is quite high when that happens - honestly it's high every time it connects and disconnects, even in "normal" conditions.

15:26 <@root> discord - Remote host is closing websocket connection
15:26 <@root> discord - Signing off..
15:26 <@root> discord - Reconnecting in 5 seconds..
15:27 <@root> discord - Logging in: Logged in
16:39 <@root> discord - Error: Failed to read data.
16:39 <@root> discord - Signing off..
16:40 <@root> discord - Reconnecting in 5 seconds..
16:41 <@root> discord - Logging in: Logged in
16:41 <@root> discord - Remote host is closing websocket connection
16:41 <@root> discord - Signing off..
16:41 <@root> discord - Reconnecting in 5 seconds..

This is a breaking bug for me, since I cannot monitor my chat 24/24h and I can't have my CPU at 40% for "nothing". Just to address some questions before you ask, I'm running stable weechat on a Debian Stretch Virtualbox VM inside Windows 10 x64 fully upgraded. My CPU is Athlon II X3 @3.10Ghz and VM is able to use 2 cores out of 3, uncapped. Also worth saying that VM only has weechat running - nothing else.


What plugin version? Type 'plugins' in &bitlbee

dgw commented

Is that CPU usage on the client end, not the BitlBee server process? I have noticed performance issues on my client too (The Lounge connected through ZNC).

What plugin version? Type 'plugins' in &bitlbee

16:59 <@roughnecks> plugins
16:59 <@root> Plugin Version
16:59 <@root> bitlbee-discord 0.4.1
16:59 <@root> steam 20170529~ a6444d2 ~141
16:59 <@root>

Is that CPU usage on the client end, not the BitlBee server process? I have noticed performance issues on my client too (The Lounge connected through ZNC).

Not sure, I had to quit every time and couldn't check.

Does cpu spike on connect only or you also experience high cpu loads while it is connected? If that only happens on connect the most likely cause I can think of is #47. Are you in any highly-populated servers?

I removed from autojoin all the channels in a big server (like 9K users) before this started happening, so I am only in /r/Steam (5K max I think, if not less) and /r/SteamLink (less than 2K).

CPU spikes only upon connect and disconnect.

I mean, I don't really mind if CPU spikes upon connect, it only lasts 1 minute or so, but what about the websocket thing? It doesn't reconnect at all when that happens and every attempt is causing CPU spikes.

what about the websocket thing?

This message is shown when discord servers are closing websocket connection without properly saying goodbye. There are 3 reasons I know why discord would do that:

  • Not receiving heartbeats
    Should be quite easy to check: if you run in debug mode (aka BITLBEE_DEBUG=1, see "Debugging" section in readme) you should see periodic messages with "op":1 - that is bitlbee-discord sending heartbeats, and "op":11 - that is discord sending acks.

  • bitlbee-discord not complying with reconnect requests
    From time-to-time discord does load balancing or maintenance so they nicely ask connected users to reconnect so they will be connected to another server, so discord sends a reconnect opcode and gives the client some time to reconnect, if it doesn't discord just closes connection itself. This should be fixed by #123. Again, this can be checked by looking for "op":9 in debug log.

  • rate limiting
    This one is new. Discord docs state that "Clients are allowed 120 events every 60 seconds, meaning you can send on average at a rate of up to 2 events per second.". So if you are wiping conversations with dickbutt ascii-art this might be the cause of it, otherwise bitlbee-discord sends nothing but heartbeats on its own. Again debuglogs might be helpful to see if you are sending excessive amounts of data.

It doesn't reconnect at all when that happens

So after first websocket close it just keeps happening until you restart bitlbee or is it enough to stop trying for some time? Anyway, looking at debuglog around the reconnects should be the next step, unfortunately it might be a bit noisy on big servers like that. My usual warning: if you are going to paste any parts of the debug log - make sure it doesn't contain your password, token or parts of the conversations you don't want others to see, if you are not sure you removed all of it - send it to my email (can be found in commit log) instead of posting it here.

Thanks for explanation. I couldn't reproduce the bug anymore. All's working fine so far, no more websocket disconnections.

@roughnecks sent me logs showing this issue, and from what I can gather it is the heartbeats issue. The log contains 3 disconnects after which bd(bitlbee-discord) seems to have recovered on its own (please correct me if I am wrong here). All of the disconnects are preceded by bd sending heartbeat messages (op:1), but never receiving akcs for them. Websocket connection itself remains functional and continues to receive messages for a while before it gets closed.
Discord documentation section on heartbeats states that If a client does not receive a heartbeat ack between its attempts at sending heartbeats, it should immediately terminate the connection with a non-1000 close code, reconnect, and attempt to resume. So it looks like some maintenance was taking place and bd didn't handle it correctly. They don't specify the time window we should receive ack in, leaving room for speculation and experiments. It looks like all of the disconnects happened in about 15 seconds after an unacknowledged heartbeat and during normal operation the acks are sent right away and arrive within a second, so maybe a good place to start would be initiating reconnect after 5-10 seconds without the ack.

They don't specify the time window we should receive ack in

They do. Ack timeout is equal to heartbeat interval. (Though I'll agree it's kinda hidden.)

If a client does not receive a heartbeat ack between its attempts at sending heartbeats, it should immediately terminate the connection with a non-1000 close code, reconnect, and attempt to resume.

They do. Ack timeout is equal to heartbeat interval. (Though I'll agree it's kinda hidden.)

That was my first instinct as well, but the heartbeat interval in this case was 41250ms, and yet it closed websocket connection after just 15s.

I've implemented discord's resume that enables bd to gracefully reconnect without pulling all of the server info again, I've also added heartbeat-timeout that would try to reconnect in this fassion. It is not merged to master yet but I'd be grateful if you could try it out and see if this helps in any way. I've ran it for a couple of days myself, but I only ran into the issue once and even then gateway wasn't responding on reconnect.

You can find the changes in resume branch

Still haven't encountered this case in the wild, but at least it doesn't seem to break anything, so resume branch is merged.

dgw commented

Just updated to 6a251d1 myself, we'll see if I see a change in disconnect frequency.

After running this for over a week I found that heartbeat timeout doesn't really work, I always get some kind of websocket issue before it times out. On the other hand, every websocket error when we are already connected seems to be able to be treated by soft-reconnect greatly reducing the pains of initial connection. I've pushed it to master, hopefully it won't break anything. If there are no issues with this I will be closing this issue in about a week.

The soft reconnect patch is definitely helping usability, no more multi minute 100% cpu and no bitlbee activity while it reconnect situations, was about a month behind on latest changes before updating yesterday.

From what I recall of the disconnecting before, it seems to be about the same, here is a log of the past 25 hours since rebuilding with latest yesterday, left in nickname stuff for transparency sake:

dgw commented

I too have found soft reconnect to be extremely helpful as far as usability. I can usually read the accumulated backlog in all of my Discord channels now just in client scrollback (500 lines) instead of logging in to view my logs. Big 👍 for the patch!

I've not seen nearly as many reconnects either, so overall this seems to be a great update. Thanks!

Great, thanks for feedback. It seems to be working as expected so I am closing this issue.

P.S. @Corosauce set utf8_nicks true should help fix the nick noise.

Ahhh thanks! Hadn't gotten around to figuring that out.