
Availability status only seem to work for some friends

Opened this issue · 1 comments

svip commented

When I first initialised my Discord, two friends on my friends list have appeared to be switching availability status (online, away, offline, etc.), but all others do not. Even though I can confirm with them that they are indeed online, but appear as offline.

Attempt to disconnect and reconnect does not change the list of friends the plugin recognise the status off (for me it remains the exact same two friends, who just so happened to be online upon my first initialisation), everyone else is simply offline, whether they really are or not.

I can still message and communicate with my offline friends, it's just a gamble whether they are actually there.

I've also noticed this, and haven't yet figured out what might be the difference. I don't think it relates to friends that are in a shared Discord guild, versus those who are not.