
Failed to switch to websocket mode

Closed this issue · 4 comments

bitlbee 3.5.1
blitbee-discord 0.4.1

When I identify I get the following:

06:11  @root Password accepted, settings and accounts loaded
06:11     └> Trying to get all accounts connected...
06:11     └> discord - Login error: Failed to switch to websocket mode
06:11     └> discord - Logging in: Signing off..

Any ideas? I don't have any other accounts to test with.

Hi, the debug log you are providing seems to be cut short. "Failed to switch to websocket mode" in the irc client should be accompanied by a message of the following format "<<< (%s) %s switching failure. buf:\n%s\n" in the debug log.

I just tried it again and this is the end:

Finishing HTTP request with status: 200 OK
[07:41:21] <<< ((null)) discord_http_gateway_cb [200] 35
{"url": "wss://"}

I'm guessing that 'null' is the problem. What should it normall say?

Is bitlbee-discord built from git? With the current code it can't be the end as the message you are seeing in your irc client is printed out after the debug message I mentioned:

This "null" is completely normal at this stage. It is supposed to be the discord username, but this only starts to show up after logging in.

Okay, just installed from git and now I'm logged in. Thanks.