
xiaoxiangBMS app: MOSFET software locked & A cell over voltage protection alarm Esk8 board won't charge. Charger clicking red on/off....THANK YOU!

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After installing new Boardnamics BN M1-AT Gear Drive on my Lacroix electric skateboard 12s4p p42a 21700 molicel and replacing motors from 6389's to 63100's the board would not charge. Charger showed green as if fully charged but was no charge left.

After downloading the xiaoxiangBMS app it started to charge properly again!

But now It will not charge again. The battery shows fully charged in xiao & stormcore app and shows green light on charger again but it is not fully charged.

I'm seeing:

  • a MOSFET software locked alarm
    and also:
  • A cell over voltage protection alarm

Thank you so much!!
1 bms 4:5:24
2 bms 4:5:24
3 bms 4:5:24
4 bms 4:5:24
5 bms 4:5:24
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this is the wrong support page. please ask directly your BMS or battery reseller how to connect and parametric the BMS.
But you have there definitively an issue. Single cells are coming up to 4.38 V. this is too much for LiIon (max. 4.2V) or LiFePo4 (max. 3.8v).