
Version v0.2

olegklimov opened this issue ยท 20 comments

For this plugin to be useful, we need these fixes (in order of importance):

#9 (especially the part where you hit Enter and there's no code completion)

And these enhancements:

also follow any changes in VS Code settings, they are soon to change a bit
also find good places to place a link to Refact discord, a link to issues in this repo (examples of good places: click on status bar, settings)

/bounty 2000

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neo773 commented

Could I get assigned to this? Iโ€™d like to take a shot at this.

ayewo commented

@olegklimov Iโ€™d like to attempt this. Can I be assigned?

/attempt 19

@digital-phoenix: The team prefers to assign a single contributor to the issue rather than let anyone attempt it right away. We recommend waiting for a confirmation from a member before getting started.

Hey @ayewo @neo773 thanks for your interest, James is very good handling this project so far ๐Ÿ‘

ayewo commented

@olegklimov no worries.

๐Ÿ’ก @digital-phoenix submitted a pull request that claims the bounty. You can visit your bounty board to reward.

/attempt 19

@sankalp142002: Another person is already attempting this issue. Please don't start working on this issue unless you were explicitly asked to do so.

Testing 6421422, with "fix dev Identity" by Kirill on top.

  • #9 Hitting Enter still doesn't produce a completion. It's still pretty bad (makes the plugin unusable). But it seems like single line and multiline are now working
  • #14 My super simple test worked
  • #6 Still doesn't work
  • #8 I don't see a status bar
  • #15 Settings are still not scrollable

I still can't set breakpoints because of manifest issues or something.

Testing again!

#9 works, but adds tab symbol after each completion
#14 works
#6 works, but rendering
#8 works, but icons, and align it left or right
#15 works
#21 now dies less often, we need to propagate error to the status bar (and fix the rust part, it appears as though rust dies, and then #14 happens as well)

Overall, finally a good progress!

can i try the issue /attempt 19

@PlanetKumbhaj: Another person is already attempting this issue. Please don't start working on this issue unless you were explicitly asked to do so.

take a look #26

@reymondzzzz did you confirm if you can reproduce this issue?

Our tester reproduced this bug. @hazratisulton

@hazratisulton can you retest these issues?

๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ @digital-phoenix has been awarded $2,000! ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠ