
Enhancement of registration form

anushbhatia opened this issue · 5 comments

Link to the page

  1. Add header and footer
  2. Add Vectors
    Any more enhancements will be welcome.

I want to work on it.

Link to the page

  1. Add header and footer
  2. Add Vectors
    Any more enhancements will be welcome.

Actually I have already made an issue for it.
@anushbhatia Please assign the issue to me in my issue.

Link to the page

  1. Add header and footer
  2. Add Vectors
    Any more enhancements will be welcome.

Actually I have already made an issue for it.
@anushbhatia Please assign the issue to me in my issue.

its closed!

Link to the page

  1. Add header and footer
  2. Add Vectors
    Any more enhancements will be welcome.

Actually I have already made an issue for it.
@anushbhatia Please assign the issue to me in my issue.

its closed!

no not at all. Actually I have mistakenly written contact form. Now I have changed it. But my motive is to work on the registration page #650.

Both of you can do it which page looks better that will be merged @Adyasha8105 @aashimgarg