
To make Read more button usable

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Screenshot from 2020-07-15 22-39-31
if we select this read more button it should open up a page where we could get the detailed information!!

I would like to work on this issue, will you provide the detailed content or I should have to write that also.

I would like to work on this issue, will you provide the detailed content or I should have to write that also.

This project is meant to be boilerplate for all GirlScript Foundation chapters. You can make use of any events related to them instead of using a Lorem Ipsum placeholder text

Hello @smaranjitghose , will you review the pull request? And tell me how can I request review from someone.

@smaranjitghose can I work on this?

@smaranjitghose can I work on this?


can I work on this?


@smaranjitghose If this fine then I will do the PR or else you can suggest any change if you want?