
Can python-autoclass be used with dataclasses/datafiles?

markfaine opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm looking at datafiles

I like the ORM mapping of yaml that dataclasses/datafiles provides but I also love the features that python-autoclass provides, however, I can't tell if they can be used together, if they would be redundant, complementary, or if one would interfere with the other. If they can work together, would the order that the annotations are specified matter?

Edit: changed link to the actual module I would like to use.

Hi @markfaine I am deeply sorry to see this message just now ! For some reason, the "new and better" github notification system missed me several time between Spring-Summer. I hope this will stop happening!

There are tons of projects out there providing object serialization/deserialization to various targets, so I can't target all, obviously.
marshmallow seems to have gained quite a lot of popularity out there. On the other hand, pyfields is by far my preferred way of using autoclass (even easier now with this). So I'll rather try to provide a marshmallow plugin for pyfields to make the bridge to this whole ORM ecosystem.

Thanks, I like pyfields but I'm not familiar with marshmallow. I'll have to take a look.

Ok @markfaine , Let me know!