
Need info for certain example formats.

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1. DateTime

Why are the type/ value for only DateTime represented with an '@' symbol as shown below?

"orderDate": {
"type": "Property",
"value": {
"@type": "DateTime",
"@value": "2018-08-07T12:00:00Z"

  1. Nested key-values

Should nested child members be represented as simple key-value pairs or as expanded properties with "type" : "Property" and "value": "xxx"?

Which format below is correct - a or b?

a. key-value pair

"address": {
    "type": "Property",
    "value": {
      "addressCountry": "IN",
      "addressLocality": "ABC Street"

b. expanded format

"address": {
    "type": "Property",
      "addressCountry": {
         "type": "Property",
         "value": "IN"
      "addressLocality": {
         "type": "Property",
         "value": "ABC Street"

1.- Regarding the @value and @type in the type, see clause 4.5.2 in the specification of NGSI-LD (page 32)

2.- example A is right, but this is not the key-values format but normalized, key values, for example A, would be
"address": {
"addressCountry": "IN",
"addressLocality": "ABC Street"