

Opened this issue · 8 comments

  • option to hide frontpage content from the Homepage Settings customizer section
  • All options that alter site title, tagline or logo should live under Site Title & Logo default section
  • we need to add a Secondary and Hollow button options in the theme CSS, this is necessary for widgets where the user can control the bg color of the widget. Certain widget bg colors may conflict with the primary button style. currently, theme has class button reserved for the theme skin button. please add button variations .button.secondary and .button.hollow options.
    additionally, please add button size variations which can be also added in widgets. example .button.large or .button.hollow.medium
  • Add 2 new widget areas: Above Blog & Below Blog
  • add an option to Navbar that allows the user to toggle on/off the option to make the last menu item stand out differently. see menu-cta screenshot below
  • Create a Designr Shortcode widget, which simply allows the user to enter a shortcode, and outputs sed shortcode on the frontend.
  • CSS the core WP widgets within the designr widget areas. Basically any WP widget within .sidebar-wrap. should display in a container
  • fix issue with theme when there's no menu and user is not logged in, see navbar-loggedout
  • Site title & logo in navbar should link back to the home URL
  • update readme and add theme tags @bilal
  • create customizer panels for docs and to install companion plugin
  • Custom Header in customizer "Include in Shop" doesn't seem to have any effect
  • Post Date is duplicated on single post template. see single-post-date-dupe
  • Add toggle to enable/disable the easeScroll library call
  • Cart icon in bottom right of site needs a hover effect
  • Test mobile nav on white background. Potential color settings bug
  • Mobile nav should check for mobile menu first, then primary menu if mobile isn't set. If neither is set, display message to admin to add a menu
  • woocommerce featured products columns (3col) not working. The class gets injected, but the item is too wide, so it only shows 2 per row. see woo3cols
  • visual bug on the single product page when i click on add to cart. see single-product-cart-bug
  • Shop title invisible on tablet. Featured title visual bug. see wooipad
  • Next/Prev button below post alignment issue. see singleprev
  • Style WooCommerce Categories in archive loop - seem to be default at the moment
  • Re-visit font sizes for h1 through h6
  • Enhance Docs page responsiveness
  • Check global Form styles for if 3rd party forms output
  • UI fixes on docs page
  • Custom header menu items should default to buttons
  • edit companion install notice and make it diss-missable @bilal
  • Move JS Customizer stuff to the plugin @bilal
  • Blog card style flat has no effect
  • top margin on shop page, match page template
  • move sidebar on the shop page into the products container, allowing featured products to be full-width
  • allow for mobile height of custom header to be set, when desktop height is set to 100%. OR add toggle for "always match device height", which disables the height % settings @bilal
  • Search results page visual fixes
  • 2nd level menu bug ( see image below )
  • add more customizer shortcuts @bilal
  • cross browser testing

I will add more as I keep QA-ing the theme, will just update this ticket.







  • Search updates actioned here:

Bug in 2nd level menu item