=== Buildr Features ===
Contributors: smartcat
Tags: page,builder,buildr,widgets
Requires at least: 4.9.0
Tested up to: 4.9.6
Stable tag: 1.3.0
Requires PHP: 5.4
License: GPLv2 or later

Advanced Widgets for Buildr theme.

== Description ==
This plugin adds advanced, pre-designed widgets to your site that you can use in your theme. 

Available Widgets:
- Image Slider
- Heading & Subheading
- Image CTA
- YouTube Video CTA
- Shortcode
- Simple CTA
- Icon CTA
- Image List

== Installation ==
1. Download the plugin, then upload the zipped file to your site from the WordPress dashboard plugin uploader menu
2. OR - Upload the unpacked folder folder via FTP into /wp-content/plugins

== Changelog == 

= 1.3.0
New Feature: Theme is now integrated with Easy Digital Downloads

= 1.2.0
New Feature: Added icon shortcodes
New Feature: Added Image List Widget

= 1.1.2

= 1.1.1
Added safeguard for theme update

= 1.1.0
Added new free & pro presets
Pro version now available!
Added new page builder widget: Icon CTA
Code cleanup and bug fixes

= 1.0.2
Updated presets

= 1.0.1
added 5 additional widgets, many updates

= 1.0.0 = initial release