
Add support for Type Hinting

igormorgado opened this issue · 5 comments

As now, Type hinting is strongly recommended by the whole Python community and is a huge step ahead while debugging, since that information can be used for static analysis.

The cost to add Type Hinting is minimal, requires small knowledge, and makes the code more robust, secure and readable.

Do you think that fits your project goals? If so, I can be a volunteer to this task.

I think it does, to be honest. Type hinting is something I've been back and forth on actually. For bigger projects, it's basically essentail.

I'm trying to find the best balance though, there is a bit of a learning curve for newer engineers not used to type hinting. Is there some way we can account for this?

Just considered this idea also. Is this an option to create a separate branch similar as it's done with javascript and typescript in some other smartcontractkit repos?

@vsevdrob yes, that would be awesome!!

Is anyone working actively on this issue? I'd like to contribute on this.

@nitul1991 Not sure... But it would be nice to see the first contribution on that theme!