
SIP #8: Tolerate vice

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Given the insalubrious nature of the DAO, it seems strange that the contract only caters to the kind of honest individuals that operate during business hours. In addition, considering a shitDAO is likely to attract shit users, it seems unreasonable to expect them to rigidly adhere to the contract's rules 100% of the time.

As part of a wider movement within the shitDAO community to tolerate vice and mild mischief, I propose we take some steps to address the above issues:

  1. Create a modifier onlyAfterDark that is applied to methods that are scorned by polite society.
  2. Implement exploreDrains, allowing more adventurous users to delve into the seedy underbelly of shitDAO. Such lost souls will likely be driven mad by their foolhardy adventure, but with a chance to receive great reward. The exploreDrains method would allow a user to jump into a random part of the shitDAO contract after dark. This would enable fortune seekers to "pop up" from their underground adventure into the middle of a more respectable function.