
[SDL 0227] Add Supported RGB Colors to Light Capabilities

theresalech opened this issue · 0 comments

Proposal: Add Supported RGB Colors to Light Capabilities

Currently, RC feature LIGHT module type has a parameter called rgbColorSpaceAvailable in LightCapabilities data structure to indicate whether the specified light with name supports changing color or not. However, the capability does not have any information about what RGB colors are supported by the vehicle. Mobile applications must obtain valid RGB colors by a trial and error process or other means. This proposal adds a supported RGB color array to the LightCapabilities so that an application can know and/or show supported colors to the user and use a valid RGB color in a setInteriorVehicleData request to change the color of a light.

Review: smartdevicelink/sdl_evolution#720

Steering Committee Decision:

The Steering Committee voted to accept this proposal with the following revisions:

  • Change RGBColorsSupported to RGBColorRange
  • Change supportedRGBColors to supportedRGBColorRanges
  • Update RGBColorRanges struct description to include the following cases:
    • If only minimums are included for R, G, and B, it is a single color
    • If a max is included on any R, G, B color, it is a range of color
    • If two or more colors contain both min and max, those two colors can be shaded together within the ranges supplied

The proposal .md file was updated to reflect these revisions on 5/16/19.