Release Script Bugs
Swift2568 opened this issue · 0 comments
Swift2568 commented
- Need to add a check before the stash message.
- Versions are displaying flipped.
- line 112
- rps and protocol versions
- "please update protocol versions" -> "please update versions"
- It might be nice to add a template to the changelog.
- The script is not built for M1 architecture
- Jazzy failed to run
- what if we added a prompt that reminds people to run with rosetta?
- Check architecture and set arch command according to what is needed
- Merge back to develop did not work. Please investigate.
- did not merge to develop
- did not change to develop
- Before opening GitHub page, make sure to push master and tag.
- Github release create is still very manual.
- Can we provide copy/paste templates?
- Can we automatically open directories for drag and drop?
- Script failed to change smartdevicelink.podspec
- There could be cases where you would not want to automatically check out develop
- add a prompt "would you like to checkout develop before making changes?"
- maybe remove the "develop has been checked out for you" line as this can cause confusion.
- zip file was empty!!! Investigate how that happened? Manual run did work as intended.