
App icon is sent to modules that don't support graphics

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Bug Summary

This issue is similar to #1738 . Even though graphics aren't supported the library still attempts to send the app icon and based on retry strategies it is attempted multiple times. The library should recognize through the RAI response that graphics aren't supported and therefore not send the app icon.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Connect to a module that doesn't support graphics (SYNC 2.0)
  2. Connect SDL
  3. Observer the app icon is attempted to be sent

Expected Behavior:
The app icon should not be sent as the module doesn't support dynamic graphics.

Observed Behavior:
The app icon is attempted to be sent but fails multiple times.

Which projects have you seen this bug on?


Android Version(s)


Android Device(s)

Pixel 2 XL

sdl_java_suite Version


Testing Environment(s)

- Ford TDK SYNC 2.0

Relevant log output

No response