
WebApp does not send Alert request by press 'Alert command' button on HMI

VjKlepikov opened this issue · 2 comments

Bug Summary

WebApp does not send Alert request by press 'Alert command' button on HMI

Reproduction Steps

  1. Core is built with DWEBSOCKET_SERVER_TRANSPORT_SUPPORT set to `true

  2. SmartDeviceLink.ini file is modified: ;WSServerCertificatePath = server-cert.pem ;WSServerKeyPath = server-key.pem ;WSServerCACertificatePath = ca-cert.pemare commented out

  3. Update preloaded_pt.json: Add to "app_policies"
    {"hello-webengine4": {
    "AppHMIType": [ "WEB_VIEW" ],
    "keep_context": false,
    "steal_focus": false,
    "priority": "NONE",
    "default_hmi": "NONE",
    "groups": ["Base-4", "WidgetSupport"],
    "hybrid_app_preference": "CLOUD",
    "enabled": false,
    "transport_type ": "WS"}

  4. SDL and HMI are started

  5. In HMI folder, run ./ as a back-end process

  6. On HMI → Apps →Apps Store → Set Apps Properties → Available applications → Hello WebEngine3 – Set
    ( Alternative steps manually: On HMI, go to apps->App Store→Set App Properties )
    Add properties for hello-webengine4 app:

"nicknames": [
"Hello WebEngine4"
"policyAppID": "hello-webengine4",
"enabled": true,
"transportType": "ws",
"hybridAppPreference": "BOTH"

  1. Click Set and make sure that app showed in the apps list ( On HMI → Apps →Apps Store → Set Apps Properties → Set )

HMI → SDL: SetAppProperties ( properties: { nicknames: { "Hello WebEngine4" } , policyAppID:"hello-webengine4", enabled: true, transportType:"ws", hybridAppPreference: "BOTH" }
SDL → HMI : SetAppProperties ( { success:true, resultCode: "SUCCESS" } ))
SDL → HMI: UpdateAppList: (... {"applications":["appName":"Hello WebEngine4"... ] ... )
HMI → SDL : UpdateAppList response { SUCCESS }

The Web app is visible in the main window on the HMI

  1. Build SDL.min.js for WebEngine App HMI type WEB_VIEW
    Copy the content of folder sdl_javascript_suite/examples/webengine/hello-sdl from to the folder sdl_hmi/web_engine/hello-webengine4
    Update manifest.js file with content hello-webengine3 -> hello-webengine4

  2. Activate a Web app (WEB_VIEW) on the HMI

  3. Change Template to "WEB_VIEW"
    Go to -> Options -> Return to WEB_VIEW
    App sends "Show" request for the main window with "templateConfiguration" ( "template":"WEB_VIEW" )

  4. On HMI press 'Alert command' button

Expected Behavior:
The alert POP-UP is displayed on HMI.
WebApp -> SDL: Alert: {... alertText1:Test Alert ...}
SDL -> HMI: UI.Alert: {"alertStrings":[ {"fieldName":"alertText1","fieldText":"Test Alert"}]... param]}}
HMI -> SDL: UI.OnSystemContext: {"systemContext":"ALERT","appID":..}}

Observed Behavior:
WebApp does not send Alert request by press 'Alert command' button on HMI

No Images to upload for alert
_PresentAlertOperation.js:144 No audio files need to be uploaded for alert
_PresentAlertOperation.js:249 There was an error presenting the alert: Mandatory parameters are missing
_PresentAlertOperation.js:509 Finishing present alert operation

Testing Environment(s)

OS/Version: Ubuntu 18.04
SDL Core Version: (6b423eb )
HMI: (31eed2d)
WebApp: (f541e2f)

Relevant log output

Issue on the SDL HMI has been resolved.