
Incomplete Permission Assignment in Functional Groups

crokita opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug Report

There are some permissions that are not assignable within the flow of creating an app on the dev portal to receiving the app permission requests on the policy server. While changes in SHAID can resolve some of the issues, there are remaining changes the policy server will need to do also.

OnTBTClientState is a permission relating to Navigation that should be granted with all other requested navigation permissions. Currently it exists only in the Base-6 functional group, when it should exist in Navigation-1. Base-6 is not a default functional group either so this RPC is not granted under normal circumstances.

There is also no way to assign app permissions for proprietary RPCs DiagnosticMessage, GetDTCs and ReadDID out of the box for the policy server. The decision to allow proprietary RPCs should be made on an app-by-app basis for the OEM, so SHAID and the dev portal are not needed in this process. There is a method to mark these functional groups as individually assignable to apps through the UI (as a Proprietary functional group), but the functional groups that hold these RPCs (PropriataryData-1, PropriataryData-2, ProprietaryData-3) do not have this checked. The policy server should at least mark these three functional groups as individually assignable in the app review page so that the permissions are already set to be permissible.

Issue resolved in latest release.