
Theme modification

Opened this issue · 8 comments

tried to modify theme using theme inheritance (as described in, but when I create a child theme and activate it, I get only unstyled content, so I guess I'm missing some extra file to properly import CSS.

Cheers, Ales

I second that. I just created a whole site for a customer editing a copy of the theme.
But inheriting is way cleaner and future proof.

ganar commented

Third time's the charm: inheritance does not work with Bones, a template that otherwise would be a great base to build on.

This problem was reported here

Hi. Bones is well done i think. The switches in the Backend are nice, to toggle specific css/js on and off.

Seems like the switches are useless, when you want do use the Foundation SCSS settings file.
Because of that I'll try to start with a simple boilerplate and compile Sass files with Gulp (automatic browser reload on SCSS file and twig template changes):

ganar commented

Hi @core77: I saw the foundation theme that you referenced, but it looked that the last commit was a long time ago. Is the code of the theme up to date?

I commited yesterday.

I'm the second one, who forked the repo. Perhaps you looked at another folk's fork.

ganar commented

I can see that in your fork: but where are all the foundation SCSS files? which version of foundation are you using?

Doesn't make sense too keep them in the repo. There's a reference in the bower.json file.

Fire a bower install (or later bower update) and you have them in the bower_components folder.

ganar commented

Ah : ok. I'll try with your repo, forget about inheritance, and don't use bones. Thanks a lot for your help @core77