
Please Help? Doesnt work on Office(Outlook) 365

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Firstly, thank you for your effort but as the title says, It isn't working on Office(Outlook) 365.

I have create the DNS records as instructed in your guide as shown here:

I have also placed the necessary xml file(index.php) in the correct location as seen in this screenshot below:

However, Outlook still doesn't manage to autodiscover the settings correctly as shown here:

Is this not meant to work with modern outlook versions?

Edit : I am not affiliated with the creator of this repository.

Outlook 2016+ PC/MAC doesn't work, but the "test email autoconfiguration" in Outlook works.

Have you installed Outlook 2016+ PC/MAC from Office 365 ? The simplified account creation of the newer version of Outlook could not work with some email providers in certain circumstances. To use Outlook 2016+ PC/MAC downloaded from Office 365, you must disable the "Office 365 Simplified Account Creation", thanks to this .reg script:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; REMOVE Office 365 Simplified Account Creation


And this .reg to script to revert the change made from the previous script:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; ADD Office 365 Simplified Account Creation


If you don't want to frighten your customer, you can hide the .reg scripts in a .exe file (but don't forget to add in the "Compatibility" tab: "Run As Administrator"). You can elaborate and say that Outlook is at fault, and show him the google search about how to uninstall the simplified account creation.


⚠️ If you installed Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019 or Outlook for Office 365 from Office 365 (i.e. downloaded and installed from Office 365), please be advised that those versions of Outlook have an issue with autodiscover. Because of this, you must first disable the Simplified Account Creation wizard in order to setup your mailbox with our Hosted Mail.

Alternatively, you can download and import the disable_simplified_account_creation_wizard.reg to your computer.


I didn't quoted your username in my last comment. I don't know how Github works, but maybe this will trigger a notification.


Some explications : The "Office 365 Simplified Account Creation" "doesn't perform autodiscover look-ups". The server "" looks up your MX records to get the IP addresses, guess your configuration from them (reverse-DNS), store the configuration in a cache, and serve everytime the same cache at the "Office 365 Simplified Account Creation". This configuration can fail in numerous situations. This guy explains the problem, and how you can resolve it (spy the outgoing connection of the Outlook App, use the acquired schema to show the cache yourself anytime you want, disable the Office365SAC locally, clear your DNS zone, ask gently Microsoft to clear the cache, and wait for the cache to be cleared) :

If you use a mutualized email provider with multiple possible configurations, your chances are small. Some examples :

OVH : /
Zoho Mail : /

Thank you @axoroll7 !!!
You made my end of day happy, the regedit patch works !
I was now able to add Outlook 2021 to my auto-discovery project referencing this issue: