
Bot crashes at telebot_destroy(handle);

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I wrote simple bot that sends a message from command line. It sends message normally and crashes after call telebot_destroy(handle); .

telebot_handler_t handle;
if (telebot_create(&handle, token) != TELEBOT_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("Telebot create failed\n");
        return -1;
telebot_error_e ret;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"--sendtext")) {
    		ret = telebot_send_message(handle, group_id, argv[2], "", false, false, 0, "");
    		if (ret != TELEBOT_ERROR_NONE) {
    			printf("Failed to send text message: %d \n", ret);
    } else {
    	printf("Unrecognized command\n");

After some investigations I found anomaly behaivor in code:

telebot_error_e telebot_send_message(telebot_handler_t handle, int chat_id,
        char *text, char *parse_mode, bool disable_web_page_preview,
        bool disable_notification, int reply_to_message_id,
        const char *reply_markup)
    tb_sfree_zcnt(_handle->core_h->resp_data, &(_handle->core_h->resp_size));

After call tb_sfree_zcnt pointer _handle->core_h->resp_data was still not-NULL. I didn't find why this function worked abnormal in such case. But when I made code that releases pointer _handle->core_h->resp_data directly in the body of function telebot_send_message, all works fine.

Platform: OrangePi One, Debian Stretch, compiler: gcc 6.3.0 20170516 (Debian 6.3.0-18+deb9u1)
I have no idea why the original code doesn't work.

Yes, your analysis is right. The allocated memory for _handle->core_h->resp_data is freed, but since we are using inline function to set NULL, it did not work. It is fixed with following commit: