
Crash on messages forwarded from chats

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Telebot crashes when freeing updates object if one of the messages was a forward from a chat.

I traced the problem to line 488 in telebot-parser.c, which seems to be a mistake when copy pasting similar code.

struct json_object *forward_from_chat = NULL;
if (json_object_object_get_ex(obj, "forward_from_chat", &forward_from_chat))
msg->forward_from = malloc(sizeof(telebot_user_t));
if (telebot_parser_get_chat(forward_from_chat, msg->forward_from_chat) != TELEBOT_ERROR_NONE)
ERR("Failed to get <forward from> from message object");

It ought to be msg->forward_from_chat = malloc(sizeof(telebot_chat_t));.

This causes a bug in which msg->forward_from is overwritten with a pointer to uninitialized memory. This causes issues during freeing, as telebot_put_user sees non-null pointers and tries to free them. This causes memory corruption and an eventual crash.