
Issue with virt64 & rpi4_64 targets

Closed this issue · 8 comments

The compilation of SOO framework does not fully compile for virt64 target

There were some misalignment; the compilation is good now, but there is another issue related to the ME bootstrap.
I'm on it (on this branch).

A header file to include config variables (auto.conf) was missing in so3/arch/arm64/head.S.
Normally, CONFIG_SO3VIRT is set to Y, but since this file was missing, it appeared as unset and compiled a wrong configuration,

Re-open - finial tests and merge-request are still pending

Update issue name - there also is some issue with rpi4_64 target

Could you be more specific? Maybe the term "issue" in the subject is to vague and we should have a more detailed description of the issue to manage the branch.

rpi4_64 target issue description

The rootfs compilation failed for python-sense-hat package with an error with the hash value.

root cause
This package pointed to the master version of python-sense-hat. It has been updated lately which implies a new hash value.

The package now points to the v2.5.0 version.

Update issue :

There is a problem when trying to compile any ME if the library libyaml-0.1 is installed on the system. When using the command -k SOO.refso3 for example, a linkage error will appear concerning the yaml functions.

This error comes from the dtc.c file, that is checking a specific environment variable that is set in a Makefile if the libyaml is not found.

I've done some experiments regarding the yaml issue.

I complied SOO.refso3_64 on PC running Ubuntu 20.04 et Debian buster (old-stable), both time with libyaml installed (package libyaml-0-2 both time)

No issue reported. I will double check with @act-reds regarding his config but I've the impression that we can complete the pull request.