How to run the project

yarn install

How to run on iOS simulator

react-native link
cd ios && pod install
cd ..
react-native run-ios

If you have CFBundleIdentifier error, please delete ios/build folder and run react-native run-ios again.

How to run on Android

react-native run-android

You could also run android app, debugger and bundle in one terminal window by running command yarn android.

How to run on real iOS device.

  1. Open the project with ./ios/app.xcodeproj file.
  2. Check Automatically manage signing and add your Apple ID.
  3. Select connected device.

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  1. Run Play.

The flow will be changed as we'll have different environment builds / push notifications / build automation.

How to build production version for Android

  • Add file to ./android and add below line.
  • Run npm script
npm run android-build-prod

How to setup VS Code

  1. Install plugin flow-for-vscode.
  2. Set javascript.validate.enable option to false or completely disable the built-in TypeScript extension for your project

Running issues

  • yarn android doesn't works sometime.

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To fix this issue and run the app on android device, run the common script for react-native.

react-native run-android

Open the web browser and type address for debugger. http://your_ip:8081/debugger-ui

  • If you had bundle script load issue, please check this solution from git issues.
