
Is there a way to gorup assertions without rerunning the previous steps

maczikasz opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi I am using Convey to write integration tests.

In these tests there are sometimes multiple things that happen after a REST call, and I woul dlike to verify all of them in my tests

Let's assume we have a REST endpoint that creates a user with the a set of default groups where the user should belong to
After executing this REST call I would like to check that
a) The user is created and visible when I list all users
b) The groups defined contain the user we just added

In my GWT I would write something like

Given user is created
When default groups are used
Then all users list contains the User
Then the default groups contain the user

Now If i Add a Convey() call for each of these lines, I can do either

Convey("Given user is created",t, func() {
 // Create user data
   Convey("When default groups are used, func() {
    // Add default group
    // Call POST call
      Convey("Then all users list contains the User", func() {
         // Call GET all users
         So(users, ShouldContain, userId)
         Convey("Then the default groups contain the user", func() {
             //Call GET /$groupId/users for each group
             So(groupResult.users,ShouldContain, userId)

This would in fact do what I would like it to do, but I do not really like the fact that I have to nest the last convey in the previous Then, where they have no parent children relation logically. But If I put the last Convey as a child of the "When" convey it will rerun the REST call, which in an integration test could cause failures, since the test is not stateless.

What I would like to have is something like this

Convey("Given user is created",t, func() {
 // Create user data
   Convey("When default groups are used, func() {
    // Add default group
    // Call POST call
    Convey("Then all verifications pass", func() {
      convey.Then("Then all users list contains the User", func() {
         // Call GET all users
         So(users, ShouldContain, userId)      
      convey.Then("Then the default groups contain the user", func() {
         //Call GET /$groupId/users for each group
         So(groupResult.users,ShouldContain, userId)

In this scenario the multiple Convey.Then will not cause the parent scopes to reexecute, but would rather provide a logical goruping for assertions.

I don't know if my makeshift example managed to explain what I am looking for and if there is anything already that I missed for this, or if this is something that may be interesting for the community to look into


In the current formulation of goconvey, this isn't really possible; Each Convey block indicates "please run from the top through to this block".

However, we did just merge a change which adds SoMsg which may let you do what you want; it will create a new convey scope around a single So assertion without introducing that from-the-top behavior. So then you could do:

Convey("Given user is created",t, func() {
   // Create user data
   Convey("When default groups are used, func() {
    // Add default group
    // Call POST call
    Convey("Then all verifications pass", func() {
      // Call GET all users
      SoMsg("Then all users list contains the User", users, ShouldContain, userId)  

      //Call GET /$groupId/users for each group
      SoMsg("Then the default groups contain the user", groupResult.users,ShouldContain, userId)

But it only really works on the 'leaf' level... maybe it would be good enough to solve your usecase?

Hey that's awesome, i am not sure if it solves 100% but it definitely solves some troubles i have. Maybe if i have time I can try to come up with something that would fit your ecosystem and PR it