
Ignore error messages

Closed this issue · 1 comments

On you can have your own custom attributes for social links that arent included, in my case youtube. So following the mjml documentation i've added these but i get fatal error when running my task

my task is as follows:

mjml: { // MJML task (any templates or component files that have mjml code frontend: { files: { 'dist/email.html': 'dist/email.html', 'dist/component-all.html': 'dist/component-all.html', 'dist/component-cta.html': 'dist/component-cta.html', 'dist/component-content.html': 'dist/component-content.html', 'dist/component-header.html': 'dist/component-header.html', 'dist/component-masthead.html': 'dist/component-masthead.html', 'dist/component-navbar.html': 'dist/component-navbar.html', 'dist/component-button.html': 'dist/component-button.html', 'dist/component-footer.html': 'dist/component-footer.html', 'dist/component-spacer.html': 'dist/component-spacer.html', } } },

and the wrror i get is in the footer.html where the mj-socail is


error processing file dist/component-footer.html
Fatal error: [
"line": 34,
"message": "Attributes youtube-href, youtube-icon-color, youtube-icon are illegal",
"tagName": "mj-social",
"formattedMessage": "Line 34 (mj-social) — Attributes youtube-href, youtube-icon-color, youtube-icon are illegal"

Anyway to Ignore these errors?

Look likes a mjml thing. Check the mjml documentations or test it using mjml cli.
This issue is so far old, I will close it.