
Micro PHP Framework.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


ZED is an API-Based Micro-Framework powered by PHP.


  • ORM.
  • Routing.
  • Migration.
  • Command.
  • Request Validation.

Getting started

Make sure you have composer installed in your machine and then create a new ZED project using composer:

composer create-project smhdhsn/zed ProjectName

After the application has been created, you may start ZED's local development server using command line:

php command serve

You can provide a custom port to serve on like the following:

php command serve --port=8080



Defining routes

You can choose between three options for defining a route for your application.

Via closure

$router->get('/projects', function () {
    return 'Hello, World !';

Via string

$router->get('/projects', 'ProjectController@index');

Via array

use App\Controllers\ProjectController;

$router->get('/projects', [ProjectController::class, 'index']);


You can implement a middleware to a route like the following.

$router->get('/project/:projectId', 'ProjectController@show', [

ℹ️ You need to list the method name that is responsible for your middleware inside the array.

Protecting routes

As I mentioned before, you can provide middleware within an array as the third parameter to the route.

$router->get('/project/:projectId', 'ProjectController@show', [

ℹ️ The auth middleware is powered by JWT and is responsible for protecting routes from unauthenticated requests.

Route params

You may wish to pass your route parameters to your application. You may do so like the following.

$router->get('/projects/:projectId/logs/:logId', 'ProjectController@index');

ℹ️ In your controller or closure you'll receive Request object as your first parameter.


namespace App\Controllers;

use Zed\Framework\{Controller, Request};

class ProjectController extends Controller
    * Showing project's index page.
    * @param Request $request
    * @param int $projectId
    * @param int $logId
    * @return string
    public function index(Request $request, int $projectId, int $logId): string


Request object contains every parameter passed to the application, whether it's from request body or query string, you can access request params like following:


Request validation

You can validate your request and in case of any errors show a proper error message.

    'name' => 'required|string|min:10',
    'email' => 'required|email|unique:users,email',
    'password' => 'required|string|max:64',

Available validation rules


The field under this rule is required and must be provided to the application.

    'name' => 'required',

The field under this rule must be a valid string.

    'surname' => 'string',

The field under this rule must be a valid numeric string.

    'age' => 'numeric',

The field under this rule must be a valid email.

    'email' => 'email',

The field under this rule must contain less characters than given value.

    'password' => 'max:64',

The field under this rule must contain more characters than given value.

    'name' => 'min:5',

The field under this rule must be unique in the database, you have to provide the column you wish to check for uniqueness of the request attribute after table name.

    'email' => 'unique:users,email',

In this case, application will look through users table on database and checks if column email exists with the same value or not.


The only available response type is JSON, for the sake of consistency of response properties you may use Controller's response() method. This method accepts 3 parameters: Response word, Response data, Response HTTP-code.


namespace App\Controllers;

use Zed\Framework\{Controller, Request, Response};

class ProjectController extends Controller
    * Showing project's index page.
    * @param Request $request
    * @param int $projectId
    * @param int $logId
    * @return string
    public function index(Request $request, int $projectId, int $logId): string
        $data = "{$projectId} - {$logId}";

        return $this->response(

You may want to check out Response class, there's plenty of response words and codes there that you can use.


In case of possible errors you can also use Controller's error() method:


namespace App\Controllers;

use Zed\Framework\{Controller, Request, Response};
use Exception;

class ProjectController extends Controller
    * Showing project's index page.
    * @param Request $request
    * @param int $projectId
    * @param int $logId
    * @return string
    public function index(Request $request, int $projectId, int $logId): string
        $data = "{$projectId} - {$logId}";

        try {
            return $this->response(
        } catch (Exception $exception) {
            return $this->error(


ZED Provides some functionalities to interact with the database and perform simple CRUD operations.


    'author' => $request->author,
    'name' => $request->name,
    'type' => $request->type


You have 2 choices, whether you can find a record with where clause or you can find the record by their unique id.

Where clause

Returns a collection of objects, returns an empty collection if there's no matching record.

Project::where('name', $request->name)->get();
Find method

Returns an object of type model, throws a NotFoundException if there's no matching record.



$project = Project::find($id);

    'name' => $request->name,
    'type' => $request->type


$project = Project::find($id);



ZED also provides a way to interact with the application via the command line. You can create your own command with the command below:

php command make:command YourCommand

This command will create your command in path App/Commands.

After creating the command you need to address it to the application inside Routes/command file like the following:

$command->define('command-name', \App\Command\YourCommand::class);

You can also provide a closure as the second parameter to the define method to handle your command's action:

$command->modify('command-name', function () {

ℹ️ Every parameter after the command name can be accessed within the command's class or closure.

php command say 'Hello World !'

Inside command.php file:

use Zed\Framework\CommandLineInterface as CLI;

$command->modify('say', function (string $message = 'Hello') {
    return CLI::out($message);

Also, the class CommandLineInterface includes massive command-line options for you to take advantage of like cli color, background, font, etc...

Predefined commands


This command handles migration operations

Running migrations:

php command migrate

Rolling back migration:

php command migrate:rollback

Resetting all migrations:

php command migrate:reset

Resetting and then running all migrations again:

php command migrate:fresh

This command is responsible for creating classes within the application to save time.

Creating a new controller:

php command make:controller UserController

Creating a new model:

php command make:model User

Creating a new repository:

php command make:repository UserRepository

Creating a new service:

php command make:service UserCreatingService

Creating new migration:

php command make:migration create_users_table

Creating new command:

php command make:command UserCreatingCommand


The ZED micro-framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.