
Webpack/eslint plugin to run good-fences

Opened this issue · 3 comments


We're using good-fences and we'd love to get feedback about it early during our dev builds.

It would be useful to have an eslint/webpack plugin to run good-fences - is there anything similar supported we can use?

If not - is that something you'd be interested in us contributing (hopefully)?


As envisioned, good-fences is meant to be a standalone tool that can run in parallel with other linters or code hygeine tools. Is there a reason you couldn't add it to your build separately?

That said, I'm not opposed to such a plugin existing. I don't think it would need to be part of the good-fences project; you are welcome to create a separate project that consumes good-fences and exposes it as an eslint plugin.

Is there a reason you couldn't add it to your build separately?

Same reason ESLint (which is also standalone) has a webpack plugin basically: you want to re-run it when your code changes which your build tool (webpack in this case) is already aware of.

A plugin would allow us to automatically re-run good-fences when devs change their code which would help catch errors ahead of time instead of during CI

Sure, that makes sense.