
An implementation of DDPG algorithm to solve gym-Pendulum.

Primary LanguagePython


gym-Pendulum-v0 with DDPG by @smileandyxu

Project Introduction


Virtual Game Environment

​ gym-Pendulum-v0


Observation & State (dim=2):

​ cos(theta): [Real Number] (Min=-1.0, Max=1.0)

​ sin(theta): [Real Number] (Min=-1.0, Max=1.0)

​ thetadot: [Real Number] (Min=-8.0, Max=8.0)

Actions (dim=1):

​ jointeffort: [Real Number] (Min=-2.0, Max=2.0)


​ $ reward=-(\theta^2+0.1*\theta_{dt}^2+0.001*action^2)\in[-16.2736044, 0]$

Initial State:

​ theta: [Real Number] (Min=-$\pi$, Max=$\pi$)

​ velocity: [Real Number] (Min=-1, Max=1)

Episode Termination:

​ None



​ Learn to control the pendulum to get maximized reward during each episode within fixed steps.


​ DDPG - Can deal with continuous action space; convergence result is stable.

​ DDPG contains an Actor-Critic model. It has a Actor network used to predict what action to take under particular state, and a Critic network used to evaluate the Q-value of a given state-action pair. It also uses a delayed gradient update policy by holding two set of networks, 'current networks' and 'target networks', which make it produce relatively stable performance.

Develop Environment

​ Tools:

​ Python 3.7.3

​ PyTorch 0.4.1

​ Libs:

​ gym 0.13.1

Runtime Requirement

​ Windows 10 & Debian

Technical Details


  • Actor-Critic Model

    ​ Actor-Critic Model is an approach to solve DRL problems combining the advantages of both Value-Based approaches like DQN and Policy-Based approaches like Policy Gradient. It uses an Actor network to give a policy function P(s) (which tells the agent what to do when at state s) and a Critic network to give an approximation of Q-function Q(s, a) (which tells the potential reward if one takes action a when at state s). We train both networks to get result. Details can be seen in reference[2]

  • Determined Policy Gradient (DPG)

    ​ Since with plain DQN we can only take discrete values as actions, and 'Pendulum' has action value which can be real numbers. So we use DPG here, not to output a probability distribution of actions, but to output real values which can be considered as particular actions. We transform classification mission in DQN to a regression problem in DPG. In each state, we have a determined action to take. We can add a noise on the output of the regression model to get variant result.

  • Deep Determined Policy Gradient (DDPG)

    ​ Directly using neural networks in DPG is proved to be unstable, since our estimate of Q-function is continuously being updated during each optimization step, thus changing our evaluation of current (s, a) pairs. So we have to let it update, not that frequently. We use another pair of Actor-Critic networks, called target networks, to maintain relatively stable parameters. During each time we pull out some memories to feed the current (or pioneer) model, then use current model to update stable model. This helps us to get a convergent result. Details can be seen in the original paper [1].


​ See reference [1]:



​ The project contains main.py, brain.py, DDPG.py, utils.py and config.py.

main.py is the entrance of the project, which starts the DDPG algorithm process.

​ In brain.py we inherit nn.Modules in PyTorch to build up Actor network and Critic network. They both have two hidden layers with dimension of 64 and 32, connections are all full.

DDPG.py is the algorithm process, contains a class DDPG. It mainly consists of two pairs of Actor-Critic networks actor, critic, target_actor, target_critic, the latter two of these are delayed networks which update their parameters with the former two. And their are two optimizers actor_opt and critic_opt which inherit AdamOptimizer. It has a list of shape (batch_size, batch_size, batch_size, batch_size, batch_size) memory to store training data. It has a gym environment env to control the play. There are some other members to fully complete the algorithm.

utils.py contains some useful functions that are not on the spot. Some of them have been removed during our development process. Now it only has a function inin_nns(layers) to initialize our model.

config.py contains some configurations and hyper-parameters used in the project. We use lr=0.001 for both Actor-Net and Critic-Net. We use gamma=0.9 to develop Actor-Critic, tau=0.01 to develop DDPG, initial_var=3.0 and decay=0.995 for exploration noise. max_episode=500, max_step=200. Memory size is max_memsize=8192, and training batch batch_size=32.

​ Details can be seen in codes. There are explicit annotations.

Experiment Result

Runtime: final2

​ More can be seen in ./video.



[1] Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning, T. P. Lillicrap et al.,ICLR, 2016.

[2] https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/29486661 Actor-Critic算法小结

[3] https://github.com/talebolano/example_of_reinforcement_lreaning_by_pytorch example_of_reinforcement_lreaning_by_pytorch